Monday, May 24, 2010

Channel Surfing Premiere!

Today, at the Elisabeth Morrow School of Englewood, NJ, I witnessed the seventh grade drama class perform Channel Surfing in its world premiere.  Venues and onstage talent don't get more prestigious than that.  After witnessing last week's rehearsal and the horseplay before today's performance, I was rather surprised by what they pulled off: the entire play, with the correct words (more or less, sometimes too much more), before an audience of their peers, in the time we'd anticipated.  And there may have been some acting in there, too.  It certainly was an ... experience.  (Especially for Matt and Mandy who had to deal with the kids every week.)  But it's not everyday that you get to hear your work performed.  Nor do you get a reception quite like this:

1 comment:

  1. I just read this play (good!) - that's pretty cute that you had a bunch of kids acting it out.

    Wrote you a postcard in South Africa, but realized that I don't have your address. Want to email it to me??
