Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A New Direction

Okay, so the former mission of this blog seems to be an obvious failure.  And that’s okay.  I need to embrace failure and learn from it.  In this case, the lesson basically comes down to: more ... of anything—just be actively doing something, and then do more of it.  For example, if you set out to write topical (or not-so-topical) plays once a week, then start by sticking to that for as long as possible.  And if the rate becomes too much, that doesn’t mean you stop trying.  Well, evidently, it all became too much and I did stop.  

So, I now will attempt to use this purposeful blog (the only type of blog worth creating, e.g. a record of the process of producing an original play in New York City—and only for that purpose!), in a looser manner, as something of a scrapbook/notebook of ideas, writing, observations, things I have come across, things that I enjoy, things that inspire or confound me.  And yes, I do understand that this sort self-aggrandizing, minutiae-laden, over-sharing bullshit has already taken up a fair share of the blogosphere (remember LiveJournal?).  But like TV—you don’t have to look at it.  This will be by me, for me, as nothing more than an organized way of preserving my thoughts and interests, or the meanderings of my interactions with the world.  For instance, it will include photographs from my daily travels in New York or my own apartment.  It will include links to infuriating articles about injustices at home and abroad, which, if nothing else, you should read—for your own good.  There will be music I discover and recommend.  And there most certainly will be food.  Yes, food.   Curious yet?  Eager to watch me fail?  Either way, it will garner the attention I so desperately need.  Unless, of course, I’m completely ignored.  But this is an untenable thought with no place in this blog—I banish thee, thought!   

Perhaps this is all too broad, too unfocused.  But as I figure, removing the restraints of the blog will allow me to post freely, and thus post more.  Which is what the blog was all about in the first place: productivity.  And although I doubt I will achieve productivity by adhering to this new “purpose”, I do believe I will reach a point where I at least feel productive. 

And the motto remains, as always, “Type monkey, type.”

(And, as always, please forgive the lack of clever writing ... it's just something you don't force.  But do expect my typical wit and literary acumen to appear with frequency.  It's what I do.) 


  1. Yes! You are the only one of my friends that still writes a blog, which allows me to continue to experience one of my favorite things about blogging - the sense of interaction and connected-ness with people you don't get to see very often.

    It's fun to read your plays and see some of the implementation - don' stop working on them. But I am excited to see your new direction play out. Judging by the Flatiron photos (and the promise of food!), it'll be great.
